Thursday, April 8, 2010

Socials 11

1 We read pages 79-83 in class and discussed them.
2 Mr Stevens assigned pages 84-85 with questions 1, 3 and 4 on page 85.
3 Mr Stevens assigned pages 86-90 and assigned questions 123 on page 90
4 We went to the gym for a demonstration.

Socials 10B

1 We read pages 104-107 and made notes on the 3 types of ppt, the 6 factors that affect temperature.
2 We read pages 108-111 and made notes on the different biomes--the main type of soil for each, the main vegetation and animals as well.
3 We started watching GATTACA. (WILL FINISH TOMORROW)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Socials 10A and 10B

1 We read pages 99-113 and answered the following questions: 1 and 2 on page 107.
2 We made notes on the different aspects of the 5 Natural regions of Eastern Canada (pages 108-114)
3 We discussed the benefits and drawbacks to genetic engineering of food.--Good discusion.
4 Pop Quiz Tomorrow on pages 104-107 10 marks

Socials 11

1 We looked at the economic cycle.
2 We looked at Stock Market workings and the GReat Stock Market Crash
3 We listened and analysed the songs, "Brother can you spare a dime" and "Big Rock Candy Mountain"

Francais Huit

1 We looked at Hibou on page 16 in the textbook.
2 We listened to several oral listening exercises.
3 Test on Friday ---60 marks.